10 Travel Tips Before Visiting Morocco

Morocco is one of the countries that offer breath-taking scenery, nightlife drenched in laughter and food, colors, and love in the air. A peaceful environment that provides the most astonishing experience of life. You can't pour from the empty glass; you need to take care of yourself because you are your own priority.

So far, Morocco is the destination for adventurers, admirers, couples. Everyone who is fond of beauty can either find it in the silence or in the haggling in medinas. Morocco tour can bring tranquility to the soul and heart that you are looking for.

The beach of Essaouira had a calming effect on my bundled up nerves and reading some interesting fantasy novels helped me to stay calm on my summer holidays in Morocco. Morocco is a beautiful, unique country with plenty to offer. Just do your research and you’ll have an amazing time!

Travel Tips Before Visiting Morocco

Pack your bags and head to this beautiful country that suits everyone, all ages, and all budgets. But before that, here are things you should know before traveling to Morocco in order to have a comfortable and a happy visit.

1. Keep Calm And Keep Moving

Desert is profoundly considered as one of the most peaceful places. People who tend to avoid most human interaction can plan their tour to the Sahara Desert while traveling to Morocco. There are numerous other activities and sports to enjoy but one who wants to get lost and sort out life will find peace in Sahara.

Sahara Desert is the world third largest desert, after Antarctica and Arctic; and second hottest, after Atacama. Sahara Desert is about the size of United States or China, its landmass or area is 9,200,000 square kilometres or 3,600,000 square miles. Length is 3,000 miles, that’s traveling from Portland, Maine to Los Angeles by road, covering 3,081.3 miles. The width is 1,800 kilometres or 1,100 miles.

The overwhelming situation of any of the anxiety attacks can cause serious damage to your social activities and you might congest yourself to your inner shell. Well, don't ever shut the world out. Being in a public place can be really helpful in fact. Listening to the chatter of others and just simply watching people walk by can help you stay focused.

Don't try to resist your panic attacks otherwise, it might worsen and we don't want that now do we? If you are a solo traveler and are planning to go on a destination, then keep your most favorite fragrance with you all the time! Yes, who knew that some good smell could be associated with our muscle memory?

At least two water bottles, a good sleeping bag, a medical bag, with pain killers, bandages, plasters, a couple of bottles on 100% DEET, anti malarial pills (make sure you have plenty and take em every day, change of clothes, wrapped in a sealable bag, wash, shaving kit, a few dry rations, salt, water purification tables, a good camping knife, matches or flint and steel, a bush hat, decent boots, sandels (or flip flops).

Most of the time you wont have WIFI or a signal for your phone. but when you do, call, text, email people just to let them know where you are, just be aware of where you are (as much as possible, you are a stranger in a strange land).

2. Find A Fellow Traveler

If you fall the will pick you up like it was nothing at all.

If being alone is what gives you anxiety than there's no point of travelling alone ever. Having a company is a good idea always. You can tag along with a close mate of yours or plan travelling to Morocco together or some other country of your choice, just being in a comfortable presence can ease your nerves and have a soothing experience.

Always remember that your buddy should be aware of your fears and anxiety so he/she would know and recognize the first signs for anything unusual. Friends are the best in this regard as they can help you out from unknown situations. They can help you to cope with this condition more easily and boost up your energy levels as well.

3. When is the best time to travel in Morocco?

The best time to travel in Morocco is whenever you get the chance! In reality, the best times to visit the country is in March, April, and May. Otherwise, September and October tend to be amazing (yet not as green) periods as well. The busiest times of year are during Easter week and the Christmas holidays (alongside the months of May and October).

Other times to travel that aren’t as busy, yet still very worthwhile are the first two weeks of June and November. For any of the higher periods, we recommend arranging your Morocco tour at least three to six months ahead of time. During parts of the year, it can be difficult to cater to more last-minute requests, although we’ll try. And, we get questions about Ramadan travel in Morocco too.

4. Is Morocco a safe country to travel?

Don’t worry. Morocco is safe for foreigners, the locals are more than willing to help. Indeed. Morocco is a very safe country to travel. And, it’s regarded as one of the most stable countries in North Africa and the Middle East. Stop off at villages, towns, try and meet people, but be wary if they want you to meet their friends.

Small villages out of the way from main towns are great places to meet the villagers (they will mostly feed, water and offer you a patch of floor for the night. If you cant understand them, smile and nod a lot, try and meet the head man or chief (dont look at or touch the females) they will show you around the village, their homes, livestock, they will be really proud of their villages.

Keep you money and passport on you, not in your bag (put your money in several places on you,) never get your money out where anyone can see you, if you have credit cards, try and keep them on your socks or boots (all the time) try and use a belt kit for emergency stuff. You will spend a lot of the time waking, you might bum a lift from a bullock cart, sometimes even a bus.

5. Do I need a visa to enter Morocco?

Well, it depends. Most foreign nationals entering Morocco do not need a visa. If you are an American, Canadian, Australian/New Zealand, or European passport holder, you will not need a visa. Malaysians, Singaporeans, and some passport holders from Hong Kong do not either. If you are from another country, you may very well need a visa.

6. What is the weather like in Morocco?

Morocco is the cold country with the hot sun! That’s a mantra to live by when visiting. Weather for your trip with be determined mostly on the time of year you wish to visit. Just as varied as Morocco’s landscape is its climate. Temperatures along the coast range from 12c/54f to 25c/77f in the winter and summer, respectively.

However, you can expect much hotter temperatures inland, and much colder temperatures in the High atlas and Middle atlas mountain ranges. While it is a relatively dry country, expect rain in the northern regions and snow in the mountains during the winter and early spring. Marrakesh is Morocco’s hottest city with temperatures that have reached as high as 54c/13f in the summer.

7. Should I purchase trip insurance for my Morocco trip?

In the world of modern travel, it’s a good idea to have travel insurance for your tour of Morocco. We suggest that you purchase cancellation, interruption, and medical insurance that will cover you in the case of an emergency while you are traveling.

8. Not realizing that you’re in a Muslim country

Mosques are beautiful but non-Muslims are not allowed inside. This is more of an unspoken respect thing than a written law. So don’t assume that just because no one is physically prohibiting you that it’s okay to go in.

Dress modestly even if other tourists don’t, and don’t expect alcohol to be served at most restaurants. Businesses are generally closed on Friday’s rather than Sunday’s. You have less food options during Ramadan.

If you’re a tour person to begin with, that’s totally cool. But if you’re usually the type to wander around on your own, schedule transportation on your own terms, etc. then don’t let the chaos of Morocco intimidate you. A lot of visitors automatically turn to travel agencies because they’re afraid to navigate an African country alone.

9. Taking prices at face value

Morocco is a country of hagglers; you’re expected to negotiate when shopping in markets. Moroccans are very friendly and welcoming. Many are willing to take advantage of tourists. Be wary of strangers offering tours or directions, asking where you’re staying, etc. Try your best to connect with the local culture, but don’t be foolish about it.

Most locals will ask you to pay in exchange for a photo, so make sure you ask beforehand. When you walk through the markets in Morocco, try to not take photos of people and shops unless you buy something from them, they may get angry for that and ask for money in exchange for the pictures. So in order to avoid trouble, it is a good idea to first agree on a specific price before taking a photo, or just ask for permission at first if you are photographing private properties and locals.

If you are shopping from the local markets (Souk), you should learn how to bargain to avoid spending a lot of your money. The sellers in the Moroccan markets usually overestimate the prices to tourists, and by bargaining, you will save a lot of money and you will get the stuff that you want at reasonable prices.

Always try to lower the prices offered by a seller, and if he refuses, pretend that you do not care anymore and start walking away, then the seller will call you and accept the deal you offered. This method works all the time.

10. Should I exchange money before arriving in Morocco?

Make sure that you have enough local currency (Dirham) to cover the costs of your activities there. Keep in mind that prices in Morocco are not so cheap but not expensive as well. While the Moroccan dirham is a closed currency, some people have found they can get dirham outside of the country.

While this is fine, understand that you’ll be paying much more for the Moroccan dirham outside of Morocco. There are automatic bank machines (ATMs) everywhere in country and this is the best way to obtain Moroccan currency.

Give yourself time, it will heal as there are no reasons not to visit Morocco. Do not rush into the decisions and this little break might be helpful to you in getting a direction to life.

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